Sunday, April 11, 2010

At long last - NEWs!

Well, I am not only the proud owner of a real piano that I am actually learning to play (and I even love to practice!) but this weekend I bought my first ever pair of REAL cowboy boots! And they are cool, too! I've wanted a pair of cowboy boots since I was 6! I even had a horse as a kid, but you know, cowboy boots aren't cheap, and you can ride a horse in tennis shoes, so I never got that pair of boots - until yesterday! And the saleslady (at D&B Farm and Home!!!) was so nice! She found out that I'd waited so long (Steve said 20 years... but that makes me younger than my kids...) and she wanted me to get the PERFECT pair!

So, how do you think I'll look with my jeans, boots, hat, western shirt (when I find one) and bandana around my neck when I lead the first graders in their program "How the West Was Sung" on the 29th??? Lookin' goooooood!
But, it won't let me put the pictures on the post! Help! You need to see my cool cowboy boots!


Porter Family said...

LOVE THEM! Can't wait to see you in your full regalia. We miss you!